
2024至尊雪山團開始接受報名, 1-5天多款行程,25年雪山團安排經驗,口碑再道! 獨家包足雪場內午餐,海鮮火鍋等6餐至尊膳食

至尊太樂雪山三天A團-RVG & TARA SKI TOUR A -2024.           

團費: ADL成人$495/小童CHD (Under 12yrs)$485起.  費用包括:GST, 暖氣巴士, 兩晚Berridale家庭房住宿, 2早餐,2雪山午餐, 2晚餐, 雪山公園入場費, 中英文導遊. 其它房型住宿團費, 請參考以下價目表.

Fee included: GST, Return bus from Syd, two-night family room in Berridale, 2 breakfasts,2 lunches,1 Steamboat dinner, N.P entry fee, Chinese & English tour guide. We have included below the costs with other types of room sharing’s.                      

集合時間及地點 (Pick up/ Emergency Call 0410662648 ) :               

Chatswood 9:30 am (火車站RSL CLUB) / City 10:00 am (Metro hotel 439 Pitt St)/ Strathfield 10:45 am (火車站Everton Road) / Hurstville 11:30 am 華英小厨

2024 68或之後逢星期一、三、五早上出發歡迎團體自訂出發日期Depart Every Mon/Wed/Fri Morning

包足6餐及雪場獨家麻辣美食! 5 月25 日前訂位免收假期或週未附加費

Day 1: 準時出發, 大約中午途經坎培拉自費午餐, 餐後前往地球科學博物館參觀,傍晚享用中西式自助晚餐.入住Berridale酒店. Depart on time, with a Lunch stop in Canberra at your own expense, and visit the Geoscience Museum. Buffer dinner then check in to Berridale motel.   

Day 2: 早餐後,前往全南半球最大及設備最好的Perisher雪場,團友可自費參與各類雪上活動、滑雪. 乘鑬車(Quad Chair)上山欣賞雪.雪場內享用香港大廚”陳記”為你精心準備的中式午餐,下午4點起程返回酒店海鮮火鍋晚餐.Breakfast inside the Motel.Head to Perisher ski field for free time ski until 4:00 pm. Lunch inside the Perisher Manor Family food court Mr. CHAN. Lift pass, ski tube at your own expense, back to the same motel then enjoy a hot pot seafood dinner.       

Day 3: 早餐後,前往Smiggin Hole雪場,團友可自費參與滑雪或賞雪.中式午餐.盡興後下午2點起程返回雪梨,大約晚上8:30分抵達中央火車站或Hurstville.結束三天開心滑雪行程. Breakfast, Smiggin Holes ski field for free leisure time. Lunch inside the Perisher Manor. Depart at    2:00 pm and return any gear that you hired. We will stop for dinner at your own, then drop off Hurstville or City around 8:30 pm.

團費不包括:旅行保險,司機和導遊小費($5 p/p每天), 滑雪課程及用具,纜車…Excludes: Ski equipment, pass, lesson, Tips & Travel Insurance. *Cancellation within 7-14 days before the departure will charge 75% of total tour costs, and within 7 days will be Nonrefundable.  

至尊週未雪山三天 B 團 RVG Weekend Ski Tour B 2024     

團費: ADL成人$475/小童CHD(Under 12yrs) $465起. 費用包括 :  GST, 空調暖氣巴士, 兩晚Berridale鎮家庭房住宿, 2早餐, 2雪山午餐, 1 中式海鮮火鍋晚餐, 雪山公園入場費, 中英文導遊. 其它房型住宿團費, 請參考以下價目表. Included: Return bus from Syd, two-night family room in Berridale, 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches,1 Steamboat dinner, N.P entry fee, Chinese & English tour guide, GST. We have included below the costs with other types of room sharing’s.

集合時間及地點 (Pick up/ Emergency Call 0410662648 ) :              Chatswood 4:30 PM (火車站RSL CLUB)/ City 4:45 PM Metro hotel 439 Pitt St. /Strathfield 5:15 PM (火車站Everton Road)  /Hurstville 6:00 PM 華英小廚

出發: 2023 年6月8 之後逢星期五下午出發,歡迎團體自訂出發日期Depart Every Friday 6:00 PM Afternoon 

Perisher Valley 滑雪場內唯一的中式美食中心 “陳記”, 冰天雪地之下可以享用熱騰騰的麻辣湯麵和超級好味的日式豬軟骨米線,真的是太幸福了!!! 

Perisher night skiing 晚上也可以滑雪

至尊五天專業滑5D Ski Tour 全程包足9餐至尊獨家膳食-9 Meals Includes for a 5-day tour. 可以一次過暢遊6大雪場: 全新逍雲山Mt.Selwyn 雪場, Perisher雪場, Smiggin Hole雪場, Thredbo雪場, Blue Cow 雪場, Charlotte pass 雪場!

逢星期一、三出發 Depart Every Mon & Wed

超值團費: ADL成人$895/小童CHD$885起. 費用包括 :  GST, 暖氣巴士, 4晚家庭房住宿&早餐,2雪山午餐,3晚餐, 雪山公園入場費, 中英文導遊. 其它房型, 請參考以下價目表 Included: GST, Return bus from Syd,2 lunches,4nights Family room  & breakfasts, 3 dinners, N.P entry fee, tour guide. Please find below costs with other types of room sharing’s.                     

集合時間及地點 (Pick up/ Emergency Call 0410662648 ) Chatswood 9:30 am (火車站RSL CLUB)/ City 10:00 am Metro hotel 439 Pitt St. /Strathfield 10: 45 am (火車站Everton Road) /Hurstville 11:30 am 華英小廚.

一天超值賞雪遊 One-day Express Snow tour. 成人ADL$ 165 / 小孩CHD (Under12 Yrs.) $155 (含午餐, 往返巴士及雪山入場費)           

Cost includes Return coach transfer from Sydney, 1 Lunch, N. P Entrance fee, Driver guide, GST.

逢星期二,四、六晚上出發!Depart EVERY Tue, Thu, Sat

晚上集合時間及地點(Pick up points & times)市區City 11:15 PM (Metro Hotel,439 Pitt St)/ Strathfield 11:50 PM (火車站Everton Road)/Hurstville 12:20 am (華英小廚門口Park & Forest Rd) 

晚上於指定地點及時間集合, 乘坐豪華旅遊巴出發前往雪山。早上抵達Cooma後, 由專業導遊協助下租用雪具。巴士直達Perisher Valley 滑雪場,之後團友可自由學習滑雪和賞雪,亦可自費乘坐登山鑬車欣賞莊麗的雪山景色. 雪場內享用午餐下午3 時準時離開滑雪場, 並帶著開心的回憶乘車返回悉尼,晚上10時30分到達.Depart from Sydney at night and arrive in Cooma in the morning on the next day, after ski hire and continue and drop off at Perisher Valley, free leisure time until 3:00 pm, and enjoy Chinese lunch inside Perisher Manor Food Court. depart the ski field and head back to Sydney, drop off only in Hurstville or Central Station. Cost excludes Travel or ski insurance, Ski lift pass and lessons, and driver & guide service fee of $10 p/p. 非學生假期至少15人成團,團體20人以上可自訂出發日期. 團費不包括:旅行保險, 司機和導遊小費($10 p/p), 滑雪課程及用具,纜車

